Do you want to contribute to improving human health?

In our research group you will work with researchers conducting world-leading research on the occurrence and progression of inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS). We work with integrating large-scale clinical information with molecular genetics, environmental/lifestyle data and registry data. This work relies on intensive local, national and international collaborations. We offer an engaging and international research environment where you may contribute to high-quality research on an international competitive level.

Description of the subject area

In Sweden we have unique opportunities in that we can access large amounts of data such as inpatient/outpatient visits, drug prescriptions, socioeconomic data as well as disease specific data from quality of care registries. We have several national case control and cohort studies of patients with MS for whom registry data have been linked with genetic and lifestyle exposures from questionnaires. We are now using this data to better understand risk factors for development of MS as well as factors associated with severity of MS.

Your mission

We are now looking for a senior research specialists with epidemiological training to analyse our rich data source with the aim to

  • Develop models for early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis with the long-term goal of identifying individuals at risk of developing MS in the general population.
  • Developing models for predicting which patients will develop severe disease and which will have a mild disease. The long term goal is that these models can be used so that disease modifying treatments are used more efficiently.

You are expected to work independently and formulate new hypotheses, handle databases, analyse data, write scientific papers, and supervise students.

Applications are invited from talented and enthusiastic applicants with advanced knowledge in epidemiology, biostatistics, data science and neurology. The applicant will need to feel comfortable with working in teams and demonstrate good interpersonal skills. You will be working in a collaborative projects, with research groups from Europe and US, so communication skills in English will be important.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible for employment as a Senior Research Specialist, in addition to holding a Degree of Doctor, PhD, or having equivalent scientific expertise, the applicant must have demonstrated good level of research expertise with significant scientific production. The applicant must also have demonstrated a good scientific independence to which their own contribution has been significant and a research plan of high quality with clear potential for the future.

You are expected to have extensive experience of epidemiological research, including the use of administrative health data from national registries, in the field of neurology including investigation of risk factors for both disease and its outcome.

Additional requirements are:

  • Scientific original publications, their quality and quantity, with special consideration on publications after the doctoral education.
  • Presentations and scientific assignments at international congresses. 
  • Research experience from a research group other than where the doctoral education was conducted.

Assessment criteria

For employment as Senior Research Specialist at Karolinska Institutet, the eligibility requirements and assessment criteria stated in the Rules regarding other positions than teaching positions are applied in relation to the established profile of employment.

It is particularly meritorious that the applicant has shown

  • Experience of genetic epidemiological research
  • Teaching experience in the field of epidemiology or biostatistics.
  • Experience in understanding and analysis of imaging data
  • Scientific independent ability demonstrated through leading and senior authorships.
  • National and international research collaborations.
  • Development of one's own research profile within the subject area.
  • Plan for future research based on current science.
  • Review articles and other scientific publications.
  • Research responsibility as supervisor for degree project on advanced level, doctoral student and postdoc

It is meritorious that the applicant has shown

  • Research grants received in regional, national and international competition.
  • Reviewer and evaluator of the scientific work of others.

After an overall assessment of the expertise and merits of the applicants in relation to the subject area, Karolinska Institutet will determine which of them has the best potential to contribute to a positive development of the activities at KI.

What do we offer?

A creative and inspiring environment with wide-ranging expertise and interests. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. Karolinska Institutet is a state university, which entitles to several benefits such as extended holiday and generous occupational pension. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care.


Read more about the Department of Clinical Neuroscience. 
Read more about the research group you will be part of.  




We prefer that Your application is written in English, but You can also apply in Swedish. An application must contain the following documents: Resumé, qualifications and description of planned research, presented in accordance with Karolinska Institutet's qualifications portfolio.

The applications will be reviewed by external reviewers.

Welcome to apply at the latest 2022-02-17.

The application must be submitted through the Varbi recruitment system.

Want to make a difference? Join us and contribute to better health for all!

Type of employment Permanent position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment According to agreement
Salary Monthly salary
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100 %
City Solna
County Stockholms län
Country Sweden
Reference number STÖD 2-538/2022
  • Vendela Breeze, HR-administrator, +46 8-524 832 82,
  • Ingrid Kockum, Professor,
Union representative
  • Venus Azhary, OFR, +46 707-124 127
  • Arsalan Amir, SACO, +46 704831165
  • Henry Wölling, SEKO,
Published 04.Feb.2022
Last application date 17.Feb.2022 11:59 PM CET

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