Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research?

In our laboratory, we investigate how long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) adapt the adipocyte for specialised function, specifically focusing on lipid metabolism. We integrate findings from well-characterized human white adipose tissue (WAT) biopsies and large population genetics to identify lncRNAs implicated in lipid metabolism and cardiometabolic disease. The disease-associated lncRNAs are investigated in human adipocyte cell models and using CRISPRi/a gene perturbation coupled to lipidomic/metabolomics, we aim to understand the effect of the lncRNA expression on adipocyte metabolism. In addition, we use gene variant editing in human adipocytes to understand how single nucleotide polymorphisms located in lncRNA gene loci lead to alterations in lipid droplet metabolism.


The laboratory is based at the Unit of Endocrinology at the Department of Medicine – Huddinge. The lab space is shared by four group leaders: Professor Mikael Ryden, Dr. Niklas Mejhert, Dr. Paul Petrus and Dr. Alastair Kerr. The student will be situated amongst the three research groups and expected to contribute to the harmony of the unit.


The scholarship student will work side by side with a PhD student in the laboratory who will provide training in human adipocyte stem cell culture work, CRISPRi/a gene perturbation and measures of RNA/protein and lipid metabolism. After training, the student will be expected to examine the function of a clinically regulated lncRNA in human adipocytes and develop a research project around this. The student will contribute to the current research projects in the laboratory, be expected to document all research findings electronically and perform lab duties. 

Skills and personal qualities:


  • A good knowledge of cell biology.
  • Clear communication and documentation skills to be able to explain and replicate research findings. 
  • Good timekeeping skills and an ability to work in a team and independently.

Eligibility requirements

These scholarships aim to provide students at the undergraduate level with early practical experience of research work, in order to strengthen the link between education and research and encourage future studies at the doctoral level.

The scholarships can be granted either for studies in an existing course or for a shorter period of practical research experience (documented in an individual study plan/research plan) for admitted students at the undergraduate or graduate level. The scholarships may be awarded for up to 12 months (divided into a maximum of four courses/periods) during the study period. Decisions on scholarships may be made for a maximum of six months at a time.

The scholarships may be granted only to:

  • persons who have been admitted (and registered in Ladok) to KI to study at the undergraduate or graduate level,
  • persons who are admitted (and registered) to undergraduate or graduate level programs at a university with which KI collaborates.

Location: Flemingsberg

Application process

An application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:

  • A complete curriculum vitae
  • A summary of current work (no more than one page)?

The application is to be submitted on the Varbi recruitment system.

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Reference number STÖD 2-2186/2024
  • Alastair Kerr,
Union representative
  • Sidinh Luc, SACO,
  • Belinda Pannagel, SACO,
  • Mari Gilljam, OFR,
Published 23.May.2024
Last application date 05.Jun.2024 11:59 PM CEST

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