Do you want to perform top quality medical research and contribute to improving knowledge and treatment of growth and skeletal disorders? 

The scholarship is located at the Growth and Cartilage Biology lab at the Center for Molecular Medicine, a highly interactive translational research center focused on solving the important questions in modern medicine. The growth and cartilage biology research group consists of several PhD students and postdocs and has several strong national and international collaborations. The successful candidate will therefore be provided with ample opportunities to interact with scientific experts at the highest levels and acquire scientific and technical expertise from a dynamic team of researchers.

Our mission

Our research projects aim to investigate molecular mechanisms governing growth and articular cartilage development and to detect and explore new growth and skeletal syndromes. By gaining new insights, we strive to develop innovative treatment strategies for growth and skeletal disorders. We employ diverse experimental approaches including mouse genetics, advanced in vitro models, and cutting-edge techniques such as microsurgical manipulations, laser microdissection, and single-cell sequencing. As a postdoctoral scientist, you will play a crucial role in identifying and investigating these syndromes, pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Join our collaborative team and contribute to revolutionizing the field of medicine, unraveling the complexities of growth and skeletal disorders, and making lasting impacts in healthcare.


Your role

As a postdoctoral fellow, you will be involved in the entire research process, ie. in close collaboration with supervisors, students and partners, you will plan, lead, carry out and present your research projects.

Your profile

Highly motivated individuals with either a Ph.D. or a qualification deemed equivalent to a doctorate are encouraged to apply. Experience in cellculture and molecular biology is required. Experience with protein chemistry is preferred but not a requirement.

Entry requirements

Scholarships for postdoctoral qualification can be established for foreign researchers who place their qualifications in Sweden. The purpose of scholarships for postdoctoral qualification is to promote internationalization and contribute to research qualification after a doctorate or equivalent.
A scholarship for carrying out postdoctoral research can be granted for a maximum of two years within a four year period following the receipt of a doctoral degree or equivalent.
To be eligible for a postdoctoral scholarship, the person must have obtained a doctorate or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctorate. Applicants who have not completed a doctorate at the end of the application period may also apply, provided that all requirements for a completed degree are met before the (intended) start date of the post doctoral education.

The head of the department determines whether their previous training and scholarly qualifications correspond to a Swedish doctorate or higher.

Location: Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Solna

Type of scholarship

The amount is tax free and it is set for twelve months at a time, paid out on a six months basis. In exceptional cases, shorter periods may be acceptable.

Application process

An application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:

  • A complete curriculum vitae, including date of the thesis defence, title of the thesis, previous academic positions, academic title, current position, academic distinctions, and committee work
  • A complete list of publications
  • A summary of current work (no more than one page)

The application is to be submitted on the Varbi recruitment system.

Want to make a difference? Join us and contribute to better health for all

First day of employment according to agreement
Salary schoolarship
Reference number STÖD 2-3805/2023
  • Ola Nilsson, Professor, 08-52480000
  • Johanna Ahlström, HR-Partner, 08-52482397
Union representative
  • Henry Wölling, SEKO,
  • John Inge Johnsen , SACO,
  • Shahla Rostami, OFR,
Published 20.Oct.2023
Last application date 24.Nov.2023 11:59 PM CET

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