Postdoctoral studies in (scholarship)

Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research? 

A post-doctoral scholarship is available in the group of Professor Molly Stevens in the Division of Biomaterials at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and biophysics (MBB). The successful applicant will join a multidisciplinary research team with a translational profile in biomaterials and tissue engineering, and should have expertise in developing and characterizing novel nanoparticle formulations for healthcare applications.


Key Responsibilities:

  • To conduct multidisciplinary projects encompassing nanoparticle applications for healthcare.
  • To plan and execute laboratory experiments independently and in close collaboration with other researchers and industrial collaborators.
  • To undertake the associated data analysis and interpretation of data.
  • To help the other research staff in the daily management of the group laboratories (ordering reagents and consumables, laboratory cleaning and organization, delivery unpacking etc.)
  • To write progress reports and prepare results for publication and dissemination via journals, presentations and the web.
  • To promote translational research by contributing to IP application preparation when applicable.
  • To attend group meetings, project and progress and meetings, national/international seminars and conferences, and network with the other researchers.
  • Establish cross-disciplinary protocols to incorporate the materials into biomedical applications in collaboration with other members of the research team.
  • Contribute ideas for research projects across the group.
  • Undertake instruction of PhD, masters and undergraduate students, as agreed.

Experience and Knowledge:

  • Experience in formulation of nanoparticles for healthcare applications, including polymer, lipid and inorganic nanoparticles [Essential]
  • Experience in in vitro cell culture of different cell types, and 3D models (e.g. spheroids) [Essential]
  • Experience in cell/biochemical assays including viability assays, SDS-PAGE & Western blot, qRT-PCR, immunocytochemistry, transwell assays, ELISA, FACS, confocal microscopy, live cell imaging, high-content imaging [Essential]
  • Experience in in vitro binding studies of nanoparticles (e.g. BLI, ELISA, etc) [Essential]
  • Experience in bioconjugation of ligands to nanoparticles and labelling of proteins, and their characterisation [Essential] 
  • Experience in single nanoparticles analysis [Essential]
  • Experience in nanomaterials characterization techniques including, Electron microscopy, NTA, DLS, UV-vis, and nanomaterials purification (e.g. column purification) [Essential]
  • Experience in in vivo studies of nanomaterials (study design, biodistribution) [Desirable]
  • Experience in applying for research grants [Desirable] 

Skills and Abilities:

  • Good written and oral communication skills in English [Essential]
  • Demonstrable ability for innovation and original research [Essential]
  • A proven record of publications in top journals [Essential]
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a collaborative and multidisciplinary environment [Essential]
  • Experience in mentoring students [Essential]
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate with academics from different disciplines, clinicians, and industrial partners [Desirable]
  • A creative approach to problem-solving

Entry requirements

Qualified for our post-doctoral scholarship is one who has obtained a doctorate in biomaterials, nanoscience, cell biology, an engineering discipline or other relevant discipline. This role also requires experience in i) nanoparticle formulation methods and characterization, and their application in healthcare, ii) a range of materials characterization and purification techniques including EM, NTA, DLS, SEC and single nanoparticle analysis, iii) in vitro cell culture, including assays to determine cell response to nanoparticles (cytotoxicity assays, uptake assays, evaluation of functional cargo delivery), iv) immunocytochemistry and different microscopy techniques, v) conjugation of ligands to nanoparticles and binding studies, vi) track record of conducting research projects. Good communication and organizational skills are necessary. A proven record of publications in top journals is essential.

Postdoctoral scholarships may be established for foreign researchers who pursue their merit in Sweden. The purpose of scholarships for postdoctoral qualification is to promote internationalization and contribute to research qualification after a doctorate or equivalent.

A scholarship for carrying out postdoctoral research can be granted for a maximum of two years within a four year period following the receipt of a doctoral degree or equivalent.

To be eligible for a postdoctoral scholarship, the person must have obtained a doctorate or a foreign degree deemed to be equivalent to a doctorate. Applicants who have not completed a doctorate at the end of the application period may also apply, provided that all requirements for a completed degree are met before the (intended) start date of the post doctoral education.

The head of the department determines whether their previous training and scholarly qualifications correspond to a Swedish doctorate or higher.

Type of scholarship

The amount is tax free and it is set for twelve months at a time, paid out on a six months basis. In exceptional cases, shorter periods may be acceptable.

Application process

An application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:

  • A complete curriculum vitae, including date of the thesis defence, title of the thesis, previous academic positions, academic title, current position, academic distinctions, and committee work
  • A complete list of publications
  • A summary of current work (no more than one page)


The application is to be submitted on the Varbi recruitment system.

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First day of employment On Agreement
Salary Scholarship
Reference number STÖD 2-552/2025
  • Helene Autefage,
  • Luca Panariello,
Union representative
  • Anurupa Nagchowdhury, OFR,
  • Helin Norberg, SACO,
Published 31.Jan.2025
Last application date 28.Feb.2025 11:59 PM CET

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