Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research?

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated research specialist in molecular biology to join an international open science effort in translational medical research. This is an exciting opportunity to lead the work on generating recombinant high affinity reagents (antibodies) to human proteins as part of the EUbOPEN project, using a combination of molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry. We offer a multi-national and collaborative research environment with partners in academia and the biomedical industry worldwide.

Your mission

A, highly skilled, motivated and experienced research specialist in molecular biology is needed to lead the work at SGC-Karolinska in Work Package 4 of EUbOPEN. You will organize and lead a small research team developing high quality protein affinity reagents. Specifically, you will generate recombinant antibodies using phage display selection and characterize prioritized human proteins, to serve as tool reagents for assay development, analysis of protein interaction partners and to aid crystallization experiments. You will be responsible for an established high-throughput antibody production pipeline, including cloning, protein production, phage display selection and cell-based antibody validation. The position includes rigorous reporting, data dissemination (via publications and public data repositories); and managing several collaborations within SGC and EUbOPEN. Thus, your work will contribute to the broader goal of EUbOPEN; to make pharmacological tools to one third of the human druggable genome, available to the scientific community without restrictions.


This large-scale project is a collaboration between the Karolinska Institutet, University of Oxford (UK), Goethe University Frankfurt and other partners in EU, UK and globally, funded by the European Union and pharmaceutical company partners. EUbOPEN is conducted as an integrated project with the SGC. The EUbOPEN organization based at Karolinska Institutet comprises funding for >20 staff members and is expected to grow as additional funding becomes available. Overall, EUbOPEN has activities e.g. in structural and chemical biology, antibody production and characterization as well as functional studies of human proteins in disease relevant assays. EUbOPEN is funded until April 2025 and the right candidate will have a good chance of extension.

Eligibility requirements

You have postdoctoral experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology or other relevant area(s) and a passion for practical laboratory work. You are a flexible problem solver who likes to work collaboratively as well as independently with production, analysis and reporting of data to the project team. Experience from protein production, antibody generation and validation, designing and running biochemical assays and characterization of proteins is a requirement, and you are familiar with state-of-the-art technologies and instrumentation to perform such tasks. Experience from structural biology is a merit. Furthermore, you need to communicate well in English, be well-structured and take responsibility to produce well-documented high-quality scientific data. Team leader experience is a merit.

To be eligible for employment as a Research Specialist, in addition to holding a Degree of Doctor, PhD, or having equivalent scientific expertise, the applicant must have demonstrated research expertise as well as have documented research experience after defending their doctoral dissertation.

Assessment criteria

It is particularly meritorious that the applicant has shown

Cloning, expression screening, protein production, protein purification, phage display, antibody validation, cell-based assays and publication track-record.

It is meritorious that the applicant has shown

Structural biology experience, team leader experience or equivalent, studies in the disease areas inflammation and/or fibrosis and track-record of obtaining grant funding. 

After an overall assessment of the expertise and merits of the applicants in relation to the subject area, Karolinska Institutet will determine which of them has the best potential to contribute to a positive development of the activities at KI.

What do we offer?

A creative and inspiring environment with wide-ranging expertise and interests. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. Karolinska Institutet is a state university, which entitles to several benefits such as extended holiday and generous occupational pension. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care.


The position is located within the Department of Medicine, Solna. The department consists of twelve divisions and each division consists of several research groups. The position is located within the Department of Medicine Solna which since March 2015 is one of the partners of the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC, and its Innovative Medicines Initiative (EU) projects which in part focus on the discovery and evaluation of novel targets in inflammatory diseases (ULTRA-DD 2015-2020 and EUbOPEN 2020-2025, The position is placed within the SGC-KI research team headed by Michael Sundström (Scientific Director); organized within the group of Professor Per-Johan Jakobsson, Division of Rheumatology. Part of the work will be carried out in close collaboration with Science for Life Laboratory (


We prefer that Your application is written in English, but You can also apply in Swedish. An application must contain the following documents: Resumé, qualifications and description of planned research, presented in accordance with Karolinska Institutet's qualifications portfolio.

The application must be submitted through the Varbi recruitment system.

Want to make a difference? Join us and contribute to better health for all

Type of employment Temporary position
Contract type Full time
First day of employment omg
Salary Månadslön
Number of positions 1
Full-time equivalent 100 %
City Stockholm
County Stockholms län
Country Sweden
Reference number STÖD 2-556/2022
  • Michael Sundström, 070 654 46 62
Union representative
  • Bruna Gigante, SACO,
  • Afsar Rahbar OFR,
  • Louisa Cheung, SACO,
Published 04.Feb.2022
Last application date 06.Mar.2022 11:59 PM CET

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